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GoF West Information

There are those of you who may not be familiar with this club event that is held on the third Wednesday of each month. The term "NATTER' means to talk freely, which we have expanded to include the enjoyment of good food and beverages. People gather from 5:30 PM to 7:30 to eat and socialize.

The NATTER is a great way to gather with Club members in a social atmosphere. It is a good time to become acquainted with members, trade parts, talk MG, kick tires, etc.

Come, join club members on the third Wednesday of the month when we visit various restaurants in the area. If you know of a good restaurant we might enjoy, let the Club know.


What is a Natter?

For a good NATTER location we need...

1. Safe parking

2. A room for 20+ club members

3. Separate checks