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GOF West 2024

GoF West Information

The Sacramento Valley MG Car Club was formed in 1978 to promote the preservation, maintenance, restoration and enjoyable use of MGs by our members.

The Club meets regularly on the first Wednesday of the month at the Mimi’s Bistro-Bakery, 2719 E. Bidwell St. in Folsom. We gather at 6:00 PM to eat and socialize until 7:00, when a short business meeting begins, followed by more socializing, tire-kicking and sometimes an audio-visual presentation. Natter and Noggin is normally held on the third Wednesday of the month. people gather from 5:30 to 7:30 PM to eat and socialize. The location can vary, so check the Future Events Page.  Visitors are encouraged to attend both meetings. Driving events take place on average once every few weeks.

If you'd like to read about some of the activities our members enjoy, look for reports in the back issues of our monthly Newsletter (click on MG Type Newsletter, at left).

Our club members are a gregarious lot and love to entertain MG enthusiasts visiting from out of town. If you plan to visit the Sacramento area, give our President a call. We would like to meet you!

All information regarding Club activities are linked from the Future Events Page. 

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